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is celebrating
its 35th Anniversary!

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TREES Inc. is celebrating its 35th anniversary in 2025.

The entire community is invited to our 35th anniversary party on Saturday, April 26 from 3-6 pm in Gilbert Park. We encourage everyone who has been a member, volunteered or planted trees with us to join us. 

Saturday, April 26 -- 3-6 pm

Gilbert Park, 1431 Wabash Ave.

Join us for

  • Giveaways and door prizes

  • Free tree saplings

  • Free food and drinks (while supplies last)

  • Live music featuring Brent McPike and Betsy Baer

  • Children's and educational activities

Bring the whole family to get a free native Indiana tree sapling, register to win to have a tree professionally planted in your yard, learn how to identify and plant tree s and more. There will be free hot dogs, drinks and other treats. It's a party for the entire family!

This event is sponsored by TREES Inc. and Terre Haute Parks and Recreation

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the environmental quality of Terre Haute and Vigo County by collaborating with community leaders, local businesses and neighbors to create a beautiful, sustainable and verdant place to live, work and play.

Our mission

TREES Member prepares for a tree planting
Why We Plant Trees

Why we plant trees

Volunteers planting TREES in a park

In 1990, alarmed by the decline of Terre Haute’s urban forest, a group of local citizens founded TREES Inc. In the years since our community has lost many more trees to age, disease, storms and climate change. But because of TREES Inc., thousands of new trees have been planted along city streets, in local parks and in neighborhoods across the community.

Why do trees matter? Trees add to the quality of life, quality of place and overall quality of community in numerous ways:

Beautification and Mental Health: Trees make our community more attractive. Green spaces reduces stress and promotes well-being.


Climate Moderation and Air Quality: Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Cleaner air means better health for everyone.

Soil Erosion and Wildlife Habitat: Trees stabilize soil, prevent water runoff, provide habitat for wildlife and support biodiversity.

Privacy and Noise Reduction: Trees are natural buffers that enhances our quality of life by creating quieter neighborhoods.

Economic Benefits: Communities with healthy tree canopies attract tourists, shoppers and homeowners and increase  property values.

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